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​2. neck and shoulder exercises

​ Purpose: To reduce muscle stiffness around the neck and shoulders

​ Content: shrugging exercise

​ Purpose: To soften the neck

​ Contents: Stretching muscles around the neck

​1. hand exercise

​Purpose: To soften wrists and fingers

​ Contents: wrist extension exercise

​Purpose: To extend the arm against hand movement

​Details: Wiping operation using a towel

​Purpose: To improve subluxation and stability around the shoulder joint

​ Contents: Hand weight bearing exercise

​3. Exercise around the scapula

​Purpose: To shorten the latissimus dorsi muscle and prevent pain

​ Contents: Stretching the trunk using a table

​ Purpose: To keep the arm from stiffening

​ Contents: Exercise to stretch your arms using a table

​ Purpose:For raising the body and stabilizing the scapula

​ Contents: Exercise to raise hands using a towel

​ Purpose: To make it easier to stretch your arms

​ Contents: Exercise to extend the shoulder blades, shoulders and elbows

​ Purpose: To make it easier to raise the shoulders

​4. arm stretching

​Purpose: To be able to reach out in various directions

​ Contents: elbow flexion while supporting the table

​ Purpose: To make it easier to stretch your arms

​ Contents: Exercise to stretch the arm sideways

​ Purpose: To reach far

​ Contents: Elbow bending and stretching exercise using a table

​Details: Exercise to raise the arm

5. Back・​Belly
​ exercise

​ Purpose:for stretching the back and moving the shoulder blades

​ Contents: Rotation exercise of the trunk using a towel

​ Purpose: To stretch your back and arms

​ Contents: forward leaning of the trunk

​Purpose: To improve the function of trunk muscles

​ Contents: Pelvic forward and backward tilt exercise

​Purpose: To strengthen the support of the lower extremities and stabilize the trunk

​ Contents: Buttocks exercise

6. combination practice

​Purpose: To improve the stability of the paralyzed trunk and upper extremities

​ Contents: leg-kneading exercise while supporting with hands

​Purpose: To improve core stability

​ Contents: Pelvic exercise with hand support

​Purpose: To improve the stability of the shoulder joint and scapula

​ Contents: Exercise to put your back hand on your chest

​Purpose: To improve the stability of the shoulder joint and scapula

​ Contents: Exercise to raise the buttocks with the hands behind

7. ​Foot exercises

​ Purpose: To keep your feet firmly supported

​ Content: Hamstring Stretch

​ Purpose: To make it easier to get up

​ Contents: Exercise to raise and lower the heel

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